Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten Days After 2010

New Year’s Eve – one of the most exciting day of the year. It’s a day we reminisce the last 365 days we went through... both good times and bad times. And we think back and decide how we could’ve done things better – a decision we so proudly call... wait for it... New Year’s Resolution, which for me really means doing a number of mischievous things I didn’t get to do the year before... HAH! But we won’t get into detail on that... perhaps next time. For now, lets see what 2010 has brought for me (and perhaps for you)...

There’s nothing as pleasant as reuniting with people we love so dearly. 2010, just like years before, was when I performed my annual ‘ritual’ of visiting my long-time and long distance girlfriend, Ame. I had a terrific welcome first thing after stepping out of the airport: a nice long big hug and kiss. God, how I miss those arms around my body. The following days were more nonchalant however, but not dispassionate. One of the main highlights during my visit this time around was visiting the ‘new’ Trans Studio Makassar – Indonesia’s largest indoor theme park and, word has it, the 3rd largest in the world.
To be honest, the whole place was just too plain for my liking – and not to mention slightly claustrophobic.
Yet, I managed to enjoy taking pictures with some Indonesian celebrities...

Watched the Glow-in-the-Dark Parade (I think that’s what it was called)...

Took a romantic ride on the ferris wheel...
Shamefully enough however, I was pretty terrified. If you know me quite well, it kinda shows on my face, doesn’t it. Sorry, Darl... not a favorite fan of heights. But for you, I’ll do anything

... Well it’s glad to know that at least one of us is enjoying it :)

If you think Ame is the only girl I enjoy seeing in Makassar, you’d be mistaken. Ame’s niece is just so adorable that just for the fun of it, I call her ‘Our (Ame and mine) Baby.’ Michelle is Ame’s little niece – naughty as hell, but never fails to put a big smile on my face. So, we decided to take her to the mall with us and she proved to be lovely to be around.

January was also great because it was the time I began my Master’s degree in Communication Management – partly because I’ve always had a thing for ‘communication’ – be it for resolving disputes between friends, or for tricking other people to do what I want them to do ;)
The other part, is because out of all the course offered by the campus, Communication Management seemed to be the only course with the least mathematical subjects (although I had to do Financial Management last semester).

July was another exciting time because for the first time I got to see Ame twice in a year. She and her sister came to Tangerang/Jakarta to visit me and stayed with their friend who by coincidence, lived practically around the corner from my house in BSD. We had so many fun times together, although some ‘compulsory’ and almost inevitable disagreements occurred. But like always, that led to a better understanding of each other. Overall, I was very very pleased about the time we spent together.
Amongst the things we did were:
Taking as many photos of us two as possible...

Went to Ancol/Dufan


And took some photos next to the car of one of Indonesia’s most prominent lawyers...
Uh yes, she’s a devil...

Although it was a short visit, I’d say it was undeniably quality time. I was so sad when she had to leave. But fortunately enough I had the pleasure to be surrounded by several friends and family who made my days more and more interesting, one of which, is my best friend who I affectionately call ‘Choco.’

Yes, quite a character, she is!

You know how they say that your soul mate is not always necessarily your spouse? There are many times that I am convinced that she is my soul mate, although there are times – particularly when she’s in her monthly ‘Mrs. Good-Mood’ times that I wonder why God has put us on the same planet. But of course, with all the silliness and how she makes me laugh even during these sort of moments, I know the reason why J
If there is one person to whom I can tell all my dirtiest secrets, it’s Choco. Not very often you have a friend who loves you because of who you are despite some things you did that might make other people distance themselves from you. Or, at least make harsh judgements towards us such as, “You ate what?!

Another reason why she is important to me is because we share a lot of things in common.
We enjoy each other’s sense of humor...

We both enjoy eating...
and most importantly...
We just can’t get enough of each other’s company J

Speaking of best friends, this year I was introduced to Ame’s best friend, Inne. Although I have never met her in person, it’s clear that she’s a very cool person to chat with. I’m glad that Ame has her as a best friend – she’s always there for her and serves as our peace-maker from time to time. The two are so close that it’s almost as if Inne is Ame’s ‘love affair’ – which I don’t mind at all ;) 
This surely brings the term ‘bizare love triangle’ into its truest sense.... hahaha.

One special moment after another, 31st of December, 2010 finally came. Honestly, I did not have anything planned until the afternoon. But then I thought, It’s such a pity to close such an exceptional year with a dull 10-second countdown. It’ll almost be like drinking the best espresso without the crema. So, I called up my friend Handy, went to Summarecon, and these are some of the things we came up with several hours before the year ended...


... and in the beginning of 2011

No matter how much I enjoy being with my lover and friends, there’s nothing I value more than being with my family. Quite a mixture of personalities we are – perhaps a product of one of God’s top creative department in the people-mixing business, if there is such a thing.  It is because of these people that I have become the person I am today. It is because of these people that not only have I became an affectionate lover, but also blessed with a very devoted companion; and not only am I able to become a great friend, but also blessed with no less – if not more – enjoyable and understanding mates.
There were so many things to be grateful for last year: love, companionship, and strong family bonds. Will this year bring me more things to thank God for? I dare not hope, it’s not for me to decide. But whatever 2011 brings for me, I shall be more grateful than last year. And that’s my resolution for the next 365 days J


Choco said... Reply to comment

Lucccccccc....... my dark hairy yet so enchanting Luc :)

you leave me nothing but SPEECHLESS! :')
Thank you for always being there even in my worst mood! hahahaha... you're the best! Love ya buddy! so so soooo muchooo! and i can't wait to see you on jan 16th!

Luc's Translation & Writing said... Reply to comment

You're very welcome, Choco :)
I think it is me who needs to say thank you... thanks for being with me during my morst mood as well.

I'm sooooooo looking forward to seeing you soon... a very very long six days from now. Please do hurry :)