Luc's Translation & Writing

One Luc is Worth A Thousand Words

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just In Indonesia

While many think that the Indonesian justice system is a joke, I sincerely believe that the system is perfectly just, and compliments our way of life!

Get this...
Should some busines or service provider screw us up, we are, as recent court cases may suggest, better off murdering someone (in this particular case, someone from the company/service provider) and get a slap on the wrist by spending three month in jail than telling about it to our friends via personal email and do time for a year.
Poetic justice? Or is it just another case where the  judge once again slams the hammer down to put another nail in the coffin of the Indonesian justice system? Now that’s a little something we can chew on!
Good night... And  sweet dreams, my fellow Indonesian friends!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just because it's too long to be written as a facabook status

16 gigs and i have 2,5 left?!Okay, lets see: a photo of my cat.. another photo my other cat.. and... hmm, another photo of my other cat, some chick taking their trousers off, oh and other photos of my cats.

Monday, January 31, 2011


I would not normally use someone else’s writing word per word, if at all. But, this particular one is just way too precious not to be shared with anyone.
It was on Yakita Indonesia’s facebook several days ago.
If you enjoyed it as much as I did, please pass it on - I'm dead-sure the author would not mind at all...
All credit goes to ‘anonymous,’ whoever you are. Thanks very much, bro/sis... it really made my day J

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten Days After 2010

New Year’s Eve – one of the most exciting day of the year. It’s a day we reminisce the last 365 days we went through... both good times and bad times. And we think back and decide how we could’ve done things better – a decision we so proudly call... wait for it... New Year’s Resolution, which for me really means doing a number of mischievous things I didn’t get to do the year before... HAH! But we won’t get into detail on that... perhaps next time. For now, lets see what 2010 has brought for me (and perhaps for you)...

Sunday, January 2, 2011